Source code for mot.lib.cl_environments

import pyopencl as cl
from .utils import device_supports_double, device_type_from_string

__author__ = 'Robbert Harms'
__date__ = "2014-11-14"
__license__ = "LGPL v3"
__maintainer__ = "Robbert Harms"
__email__ = ""

_context_cache = {}

[docs]class CLEnvironment: def __init__(self, platform, device): """Storage unit for an OpenCL environment. Args: platform (pyopencl platform): An PyOpenCL platform. device (pyopencl device): An PyOpenCL device """ self._platform = platform self._device = device if (self._platform, self._device) not in _context_cache: context = cl.Context([device]) _context_cache[(self._platform, self._device)] = context self._context = _context_cache[(self._platform, self._device)] self._queue = cl.CommandQueue(self._context, device=device) @property def context(self): """Get a CL context containing this device. Returns: cl.Context: a PyOpenCL device context """ return self._context @property def queue(self): """Get a CL queue for this device and context. Returns: cl.Queue: a PyOpenCL queue """ return self._queue @property def supports_double(self): """Check if the device listed by this environment supports double Returns: boolean: True if the device supports double, false otherwise. """ return device_supports_double(self.device) @property def platform(self): """Get the platform associated with this environment. Returns: pyopencl platform: The platform associated with this environment. """ return self._platform @property def device(self): """Get the device associated with this environment. Returns: pyopencl device: The device associated with this environment. """ return self._device @property def is_gpu(self): """Check if the device associated with this environment is a GPU. Returns: boolean: True if the device is an GPU, false otherwise. """ return self._device.get_info(cl.device_info.TYPE) == cl.device_type.GPU @property def is_cpu(self): """Check if the device associated with this environment is a CPU. Returns: boolean: True if the device is an CPU, false otherwise. """ return self._device.get_info(cl.device_info.TYPE) == cl.device_type.CPU @property def device_type(self): """Get the device type of the device in this environment. Returns: the device type of this device. """ return self._device.get_info(cl.device_info.TYPE) def __str__(self): s = 'GPU' if self.is_gpu else 'CPU' s += ' - ' + + ' (' + + ')' return s def __repr__(self): s = 75*"=" + "\n" s += repr(self._platform) + "\n" s += 75*"=" + "\n" s += self._print_info(self._platform, cl.platform_info) s += 75*"-" + "\n" s += repr(self._device) + "\n" s += 75*"-" + "\n" s += self._print_info(self._device, cl.device_info) return s def _print_info(self, obj, info_cls): s = '' def format_title(title_str): title_str = title_str.lower() title_str = title_str.replace('_', ' ') return title_str for info_name in sorted(dir(info_cls)): if not info_name.startswith("_") and info_name != "to_string": info = getattr(info_cls, info_name) try: info_value = obj.get_info(info) except cl.LogicError: info_value = "<error>" if info_cls == cl.device_info and info_name == "PARTITION_TYPES_EXT" and isinstance(info_value, list): prop_value = [cl.device_partition_property_ext.to_string(v, "<unknown device " "partition property %d>") for v in info_value] s += ("%s: %s" % (format_title(info_name), prop_value)) + "\n" else: try: s += ("%s: %s" % (format_title(info_name), info_value)) + "\n" except cl.LogicError: s += ("%s: <error>" % info_name) + "\n" s += "\n" return s def __eq__(self, other): """A device is equal to another if the platform and the device are equal.""" if isinstance(other, CLEnvironment): return other.platform == self.platform and other.device == self.device return False
[docs]class CLEnvironmentFactory:
[docs] @staticmethod def single_device(cl_device_type='GPU', platform=None, fallback_to_any_device_type=False): """Get a list containing a single device environment, for a device of the given type on the given platform. This will only fetch devices that support double (possibly only double with a pragma defined, but still, it should support double). Args: cl_device_type (cl.device_type.* or string): The type of the device we want, can be a opencl device type or a string matching 'GPU', 'CPU' or 'ALL'. platform (opencl platform): The opencl platform to select the devices from fallback_to_any_device_type (boolean): If True, try to fallback to any possible device in the system. Returns: list of CLEnvironment: List with one element, the CL runtime environment requested. """ if isinstance(cl_device_type, str): cl_device_type = device_type_from_string(cl_device_type) device = None if platform is None: platforms = cl.get_platforms() else: platforms = [platform] for platform in platforms: devices = platform.get_devices(device_type=cl_device_type) for dev in devices: if device_supports_double(dev): try: env = CLEnvironment(platform, dev) return [env] except cl.RuntimeError: pass if not device: if fallback_to_any_device_type: return cl.get_platforms()[0].get_devices() else: raise ValueError('No devices of the specified type ({}) found.'.format( cl.device_type.to_string(cl_device_type))) raise ValueError('No suitable OpenCL device found.')
[docs] @staticmethod def all_devices(cl_device_type=None, platform=None): """Get multiple device environments, optionally only of the indicated type. This will only fetch devices that support double point precision. Args: cl_device_type (cl.device_type.* or string): The type of the device we want, can be a opencl device type or a string matching 'GPU' or 'CPU'. platform (opencl platform): The opencl platform to select the devices from Returns: list of CLEnvironment: List with the CL device environments. """ if isinstance(cl_device_type, str): cl_device_type = device_type_from_string(cl_device_type) runtime_list = [] if platform is None: platforms = cl.get_platforms() else: platforms = [platform] for platform in platforms: if cl_device_type: devices = platform.get_devices(device_type=cl_device_type) else: devices = platform.get_devices() for device in devices: if device_supports_double(device): env = CLEnvironment(platform, device) runtime_list.append(env) return runtime_list
[docs] @staticmethod def smart_device_selection(preferred_device_type=None): """Get a list of device environments that is suitable for use in MOT. Basically this gets the total list of devices using all_devices() and applies a filter on it. This filter does the following: 1) if the 'AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing' is available remove all environments using the 'Clover' platform. More things may be implemented in the future. Args: preferred_device_type (str): the preferred device type, one of 'CPU', 'GPU' or 'APU'. If no devices of this type can be found, we will use any other device available. Returns: list of CLEnvironment: List with the CL device environments. """ cl_environments = CLEnvironmentFactory.all_devices(cl_device_type=preferred_device_type) platform_names = [ for env in cl_environments] has_amd_pro_platform = any('AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing' in name for name in platform_names) if has_amd_pro_platform: return list(filter(lambda env: 'Clover' not in, cl_environments)) if preferred_device_type is not None and not len(cl_environments): return CLEnvironmentFactory.all_devices() return cl_environments