Source code for mot.library_functions.base

import os
from textwrap import indent, dedent
from mot.lib.cl_function import CLFunction, SimpleCLFunction
from mot.lib.utils import split_cl_function

__author__ = 'Robbert Harms'
__date__ = "2016-10-03"
__maintainer__ = "Robbert Harms"
__email__ = ""

[docs]class CLLibrary(CLFunction): pass
[docs]class SimpleCLLibrary(CLLibrary, SimpleCLFunction): def __init__(self, cl_code, **kwargs): return_type, function_name, parameter_list, body = split_cl_function(cl_code) super().__init__( return_type, function_name, parameter_list, body, dependencies=kwargs.get('dependencies', None) )
[docs]class SimpleCLLibraryFromFile(CLLibrary, SimpleCLFunction): def __init__(self, return_type, cl_function_name, parameter_list, cl_code_file, var_replace_dict=None, **kwargs): """Create a CL function for a library function. These functions are not meant to be optimized, but can be used a helper functions in models. Args: cl_function_name (str): The name of the CL function cl_code_file (str): The location of the code file var_replace_dict (dict): In the cl_code file these replacements will be made (using the % format function of Python) """ self._var_replace_dict = var_replace_dict with open(os.path.abspath(cl_code_file), 'r') as f: code = if var_replace_dict is not None: code = code % var_replace_dict super().__init__(return_type, cl_function_name, parameter_list, code, **kwargs) self._code = code
[docs] def get_cl_code(self): return dedent(''' {dependencies} #ifndef {inclusion_guard_name} #define {inclusion_guard_name} {code} #endif // {inclusion_guard_name} '''.format(dependencies=indent(self._get_cl_dependency_code(), ' ' * 4 * 3), inclusion_guard_name='INCLUDE_GUARD_{}'.format(self.get_cl_function_name()), code=indent('\n' + self._code.strip() + '\n', ' ' * 4 * 3)))