Source code for mot.library_functions

import os

from mot.lib.cl_function import SimpleCLFunction, SimpleCLCodeObject
from mot.lib.kernel_data import LocalMemory, Struct
from mot.library_functions.base import SimpleCLLibrary, SimpleCLLibraryFromFile, CLLibrary
from pkg_resources import resource_filename

from mot.library_functions.eispack import eispack_tred2, eispack_tql2
from mot.library_functions.unity import log1pmx
from mot.library_functions.polynomials import p1evl, polevl, ratevl, solve_cubic_pol_real
from mot.library_functions.continuous_distributions.normal import normal_cdf, normal_pdf, normal_logpdf, normal_ppf
from mot.library_functions.continuous_distributions.gamma import gamma_pdf, gamma_logpdf, gamma_ppf, gamma_cdf
from mot.library_functions.error_functions import dawson, CerfImWOfX, erfi
from mot.library_functions.legendre_polynomial import FirstLegendreTerm, LegendreTerms, \
    EvenLegendreTerms, OddLegendreTerms

__author__ = 'Robbert Harms'
__date__ = '2018-05-07'
__maintainer__ = 'Robbert Harms'
__email__ = ''
__licence__ = 'LGPL v3'

[docs]class Besseli0(SimpleCLLibrary): def __init__(self): """Return the zeroth-order modified Bessel function of the first kind Original author of C code: M.G.R. Vogelaar """ super().__init__(''' double bessel_i0(double x){ double y; if(fabs(x) < 3.75){ y = (x / 3.75) * (x / 3.75); return 1.0 + y * (3.5156229 + y * (3.0899424 + y * (1.2067492 + y * (0.2659732 + y * (0.360768e-1 + y * 0.45813e-2))))); } y = 3.75 / fabs(x); return (exp(fabs(x)) / sqrt(fabs(x))) * (0.39894228 + y * (0.1328592e-1 + y * (0.225319e-2 + y * (-0.157565e-2 + y * (0.916281e-2 + y * (-0.2057706e-1 + y * (0.2635537e-1 + y * (-0.1647633e-1 + y * 0.392377e-2)))))))); } ''')
[docs]class LogBesseli0(SimpleCLLibrary): def __init__(self): """Return the log of the zeroth-order modified Bessel function of the first kind.""" super().__init__(''' double log_bessel_i0(double x){ if(x < 700){ return log(bessel_i0(x)); } return x - log(2.0 * M_PI * x)/2.0; } ''', dependencies=(Besseli0(),))
[docs]class LogCosh(SimpleCLLibrary): def __init__(self): """Computes :math:`log(cosh(x))` For large x this will try to estimate it without overflow. For small x we use the opencl functions log and cos. The estimation for large numbers has been taken from: """ super().__init__(''' double log_cosh(double x){ if(x < 50){ return log(cosh(x)); } return fabs(x) + log(1 + exp(-2.0 * fabs(x))) - log(2.0); } ''')
[docs]class Rand123(SimpleCLCodeObject): def __init__(self): generator = 'threefry' src = open(os.path.abspath(resource_filename('mot', 'data/opencl/random123/openclfeatures.h'), ), 'r').read() src += open(os.path.abspath(resource_filename('mot', 'data/opencl/random123/array.h'), ), 'r').read() src += open(os.path.abspath(resource_filename('mot', 'data/opencl/random123/{}.h'.format(generator)), ), 'r').read() src += (open(os.path.abspath(resource_filename('mot', 'data/opencl/random123/rand123.h'), ), 'r').read() % { 'GENERATOR_NAME': (generator) }) super().__init__(src)
[docs]class EuclidianNormFunction(SimpleCLLibraryFromFile): def __init__(self, memspace='private', memtype='mot_float_type'): """A CL functions for calculating the Euclidian distance between n values. Args: memspace (str): The memory space of the memtyped array (private, constant, global). memtype (str): the memory type to use, double, float, mot_float_type, ... """ super().__init__( memtype, self.__class__.__name__ + '_' + memspace + '_' + memtype, [], resource_filename('mot', 'data/opencl/'), var_replace_dict={'MEMSPACE': memspace, 'MEMTYPE': memtype})
[docs]class simpsons_rule(SimpleCLLibrary): def __init__(self, function_name): """Create a CL function for integrating a function using Simpson's rule. This creates a CL function specifically meant for integrating the function of the given name. The name of the generated CL function will be 'simpsons_rule_<function_name>'. Args: function_name (str): the name of the function to integrate, accepting the arguments: - a: the lower bound of the integral - b: the upper bound of the integral - n: the number of steps, i.e. the number of approximations to make - data: a pointer to some data, this is passed on to the function we are integrating. """ super().__init__(''' double simpsons_rule_{f}(double a, double b, uint n, void* data){{ double h = (b - a) / n; double sum_odds = {f}(a + h/2.0, data); double sum_evens = 0.0; double x; for(uint i = 1; i < n; i++){{ sum_odds += {f}(a + h * i + h / 2.0, data); sum_evens += {f}(a + h * i, data); }} return h / 6.0 * ({f}(a, data) + {f}(b, data) + 4.0 * sum_odds + 2.0 * sum_evens); }} '''.format(f=function_name))
[docs]class linear_cubic_interpolation(SimpleCLLibrary): def __init__(self): """Cubic interpolation for a one-dimensional grid. This uses the theory of Cubic Hermite splines for interpolating a one-dimensional grid of values. At the borders, it will clip the values to the nearest border. For more information on this method, see Example usage: constant float data[] = {1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 6.0}; linear_cubic_interpolation(1.5, 4, data); """ super().__init__(''' double linear_cubic_interpolation(double x, int y_len, constant float* y_values){ int n = x; double u = x - n; double p0 = y_values[min(max((int)0, n - 1), y_len - 1)]; double p1 = y_values[min(max((int)0, n ), y_len - 1)]; double p2 = y_values[min(max((int)0, n + 1), y_len - 1)]; double p3 = y_values[min(max((int)0, n + 2), y_len - 1)]; double a = 0.5 * (-p0 + 3.0 * p1 - 3.0 * p2 + p3); double b = 0.5 * (2.0 * p0 - 5.0 * p1 + 4.0 * p2 - p3); double c = 0.5 * (-p0 + p2); double d = p1; return d + u * (c + u * (b + u * a)); } ''')
[docs]class eigenvalues_3x3_symmetric(SimpleCLLibrary): def __init__(self): """Calculate the eigenvalues of a symmetric 3x3 matrix. This simple algorithm only works in case of a real and symmetric matrix. The input to this function is an array with the upper triangular elements of the matrix. The output are the eigenvalues such that eig1 >= eig2 >= eig3, i.e. from large to small. Args: A: the upper triangle of an 3x3 matrix v: the output eigenvalues as a vector of three elements. References: [1]: [2]: Smith, Oliver K. (April 1961), "Eigenvalues of a symmetric 3 × 3 matrix.", Communications of the ACM, 4 (4): 168, doi:10.1145/355578.366316 """ super().__init__(''' void eigenvalues_3x3_symmetric(double* A, double* v){ double p1 = (A[1] * A[1]) + (A[2] * A[2]) + (A[4] * A[4]); if (p1 == 0.0){ v[0] = A[0]; v[1] = A[3]; v[2] = A[5]; return; } double q = (A[0] + A[3] + A[5]) / 3.0; double p = sqrt(((A[0] - q)*(A[0] - q) + (A[3] - q)*(A[3] - q) + (A[5] - q)*(A[5] - q) + 2*p1) / 6.0); double r = ( ((A[0] - q)/p) * ((((A[3] - q)/p) * ((A[5] - q)/p)) - ((A[4]/p) * (A[4]/p))) - (A[1]/p) * ((A[1]/p) * ((A[5] - q)/p) - (A[2]/p) * (A[4]/p)) + (A[2]/p) * ((A[1]/p) * (A[4]/p) - (A[2]/p) * ((A[3] - q)/p)) ) / 2.0; double phi; if(r <= -1){ phi = M_PI / 3.0; } else if(r >= 1){ phi = 0; } else{ phi = acos(r) / 3; } v[0] = q + 2 * p * cos(phi); v[2] = q + 2 * p * cos(phi + (2*M_PI/3.0)); v[1] = 3 * q - v[0] - v[2]; } ''')
[docs]class multiply_square_matrices(SimpleCLLibrary): def __init__(self): """Matrix multiplication of two square matrices. Having this as a special function is slightly faster than a more generic matrix multiplication algorithm. All matrices are expected to be in c/row-major order. Parameters: n: the rectangular size of the matrix (the number of rows / the number of columns). A[n*n]: the left matrix B[n*n]: the right matrix C[n*n]: the output matrix """ super().__init__(''' void multiply_square_matrices(uint n, double* A, double* B, double* C){ int i, j, z; double sum; for(int ind = 0; ind < n*n; ind++){ i = ind / n; j = ind - n * i; sum = 0; for(z = 0; z < n; z++){ sum += A[i * n + z] * B[z * n + j]; } C[ind] = sum; } } ''')
[docs]class eigen_decompose_real_symmetric_matrix(SimpleCLLibrary): def __init__(self): """Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real symmetric matrix. This uses the RS routine from the EISPACK code, to be found at: It first tri-diagonalizes the matrix using Householder transformations and then computes the diagonal using QR transformations. This routine only works with real symmetric matrices as input. Parameters: n: input, the order of the matrix. A[n*n]: input, the real symmetric matrix to invert W[n]: output, the eigenvalues in ascending order. Z[n*n]: output, the eigenvectors scratch[n]: input, scratch data Output: error code: the error for the the TQL2 routine (see EISPACK). The no-error, normal completion code is zero. """ super().__init__(''' int eigen_decompose_real_symmetric_matrix(int n, double* A, double* w, double* Z, double* scratch){ // tri-diagonalize the matrix eispack_tred2 ( n, A, w, scratch, Z ); // QR decompose the tri-diagonal return eispack_tql2 ( n, w, scratch, Z ); } ''', dependencies=[eispack_tred2(), eispack_tql2()])
[docs]class pseudo_inverse_real_symmetric_matrix(SimpleCLLibrary): def __init__(self): """Compute the pseudo-inverse of the given matrix, inplace. Parameters: n: the size of the symmetric matrix A[n*n]: on input, the matrix to inverse. On output, the inverse of the matrix. scratch[2*n + 2*n*n]: scratch data """ super().__init__(''' void pseudo_inverse_real_symmetric_matrix(uint n, double* A, double* scratch){ int i, j; double* w = scratch; double* Z = w + n; double* decomposition_scratch = Z + n * n; double* Z_transpose_w = decomposition_scratch + n; eigen_decompose_real_symmetric_matrix(n, A, w, Z, decomposition_scratch); for(i = 0; i < n; i++){ if(w[i] == 0.){ w[i] = 0; } else{ w[i] = fabs(1/w[i]); } } for(i = 0; i < n; i++){ for(j = 0; j < n; j++){ Z_transpose_w[i * n + j] = Z[j * n + i] * w[j]; } } multiply_square_matrices(n, Z_transpose_w, Z, A); } ''', dependencies=[eigen_decompose_real_symmetric_matrix(), multiply_square_matrices()])
[docs]class Powell(SimpleCLLibraryFromFile): def __init__(self, eval_func, nmr_parameters, patience=2, patience_line_search=None, reset_method='EXTRAPOLATED_POINT', **kwargs): """The Powell CL implementation. Args: eval_func (mot.lib.cl_function.CLFunction): the function we want to optimize, Should be of signature: ``double evaluate(local mot_float_type* x, void* data_void);`` nmr_parameters (int): the number of parameters in the model, this will be hardcoded in the method patience (int): the patience of the Powell algorithm patience_line_search (int): the patience of the line search algorithm. If None, we set it equal to the patience. reset_method (str): one of ``RESET_TO_IDENTITY`` or ``EXTRAPOLATED_POINT``. The method used to reset the search directions every iteration. """ dependencies = list(kwargs.get('dependencies', [])) dependencies.append(eval_func) kwargs['dependencies'] = dependencies params = { 'FUNCTION_NAME': eval_func.get_cl_function_name(), 'NMR_PARAMS': nmr_parameters, 'RESET_METHOD': reset_method.upper(), 'PATIENCE': patience, 'PATIENCE_LINE_SEARCH': patience if patience_line_search is None else patience_line_search } super().__init__( 'int', 'powell', [ 'local mot_float_type* model_parameters', 'void* data', 'local mot_float_type* scratch_mot_float_type' ], resource_filename('mot', 'data/opencl/'), var_replace_dict=params, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_kernel_data(self): """Get the kernel data needed for this optimization routine to work.""" return { 'scratch_mot_float_type': LocalMemory( 'mot_float_type', 3 * self._var_replace_dict['NMR_PARAMS'] + self._var_replace_dict['NMR_PARAMS']**2) }
[docs]class LibNMSimplex(SimpleCLLibraryFromFile): def __init__(self, function_name): """The NMSimplex algorithm as a reusable library component. Args: function_name (str): the name of the evaluation function to call, defaults to 'evaluate'. This should point to a function with signature: ``double evaluate(local mot_float_type* x, void* data_void);`` """ params = { 'FUNCTION_NAME': function_name } super().__init__( 'int', 'lib_nmsimplex', [], resource_filename('mot', 'data/opencl/'), var_replace_dict=params)
[docs]class NMSimplex(SimpleCLLibrary): def __init__(self, function_name, nmr_parameters, patience=200, alpha=1.0, beta=0.5, gamma=2.0, delta=0.5, scale=0.1, adaptive_scales=True, **kwargs): self._nmr_parameters = nmr_parameters if 'dependencies' in kwargs: kwargs['dependencies'] = list(kwargs['dependencies']) + [LibNMSimplex(function_name)] else: kwargs['dependencies'] = [LibNMSimplex(function_name)] params = {'NMR_PARAMS': nmr_parameters, 'PATIENCE': patience, 'ALPHA': alpha, 'BETA': beta, 'GAMMA': gamma, 'DELTA': delta, 'INITIAL_SIMPLEX_SCALES': '\n'.join('initial_simplex_scale[{}] = {};'.format(ind, scale) for ind in range(nmr_parameters))} if adaptive_scales: params.update( {'ALPHA': 1, 'BETA': 0.75 - 1.0 / (2 * nmr_parameters), 'GAMMA': 1 + 2.0 / nmr_parameters, 'DELTA': 1 - 1.0 / nmr_parameters} ) super().__init__(''' int nmsimplex(local mot_float_type* model_parameters, void* data, local mot_float_type* initial_simplex_scale, local mot_float_type* nmsimplex_scratch){ if(get_local_id(0) == 0){ %(INITIAL_SIMPLEX_SCALES)s } barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); mot_float_type fdiff; mot_float_type psi = 0; return lib_nmsimplex(%(NMR_PARAMS)r, model_parameters, data, initial_simplex_scale, &fdiff, psi, (int)(%(PATIENCE)r * (%(NMR_PARAMS)r+1)), %(ALPHA)r, %(BETA)r, %(GAMMA)r, %(DELTA)r, nmsimplex_scratch); } ''' % params, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_kernel_data(self): """Get the kernel data needed for this optimization routine to work.""" return { 'nmsimplex_scratch': LocalMemory( 'mot_float_type', self._nmr_parameters * 2 + (self._nmr_parameters + 1) ** 2 + 1), 'initial_simplex_scale': LocalMemory('mot_float_type', self._nmr_parameters) }
[docs]class Subplex(SimpleCLLibraryFromFile): def __init__(self, eval_func, nmr_parameters, patience=10, patience_nmsimplex=100, alpha=1.0, beta=0.5, gamma=2.0, delta=0.5, scale=1.0, psi=0.001, omega=0.01, adaptive_scales=True, min_subspace_length='auto', max_subspace_length='auto', **kwargs): """The Subplex optimization routines.""" dependencies = list(kwargs.get('dependencies', [])) dependencies.append(eval_func) dependencies.append(LibNMSimplex('subspace_evaluate')) kwargs['dependencies'] = dependencies params = { 'FUNCTION_NAME': eval_func.get_cl_function_name(), 'PATIENCE': patience, 'PATIENCE_NMSIMPLEX': patience_nmsimplex, 'ALPHA': alpha, 'BETA': beta, 'GAMMA': gamma, 'DELTA': delta, 'PSI': psi, 'OMEGA': omega, 'NMR_PARAMS': nmr_parameters, 'ADAPTIVE_SCALES': int(bool(adaptive_scales)), 'MIN_SUBSPACE_LENGTH': (min(2, nmr_parameters) if min_subspace_length == 'auto' else min_subspace_length), 'MAX_SUBSPACE_LENGTH': (min(5, nmr_parameters) if max_subspace_length == 'auto' else max_subspace_length) } s = '' for ind in range(nmr_parameters): s += 'initial_simplex_scale[{}] = {};'.format(ind, scale) params['INITIAL_SIMPLEX_SCALES'] = s super().__init__( 'int', 'subplex', [ 'local mot_float_type* const model_parameters', 'void* data', 'local mot_float_type* initial_simplex_scale', 'local mot_float_type* subplex_scratch_float', 'local int* subplex_scratch_int' ], resource_filename('mot', 'data/opencl/'), var_replace_dict=params, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_kernel_data(self): """Get the kernel data needed for this optimization routine to work.""" return { 'subplex_scratch_float': LocalMemory( 'mot_float_type', 4 + self._var_replace_dict['NMR_PARAMS'] * 2 + self._var_replace_dict['MAX_SUBSPACE_LENGTH'] * 2 + (self._var_replace_dict['MAX_SUBSPACE_LENGTH'] * 2 + self._var_replace_dict['MAX_SUBSPACE_LENGTH']+1)**2 + 1), 'subplex_scratch_int': LocalMemory( 'int', 2 + self._var_replace_dict['NMR_PARAMS'] + (self._var_replace_dict['NMR_PARAMS'] // self._var_replace_dict['MIN_SUBSPACE_LENGTH'])), 'initial_simplex_scale': LocalMemory('mot_float_type', self._var_replace_dict['NMR_PARAMS']) }
[docs]class LevenbergMarquardt(SimpleCLLibraryFromFile): def __init__(self, eval_func, nmr_parameters, nmr_observations, patience=250, step_bound=100.0, scale_diag=1, usertol_mult=30, jacobian_func=None, **kwargs): """The Powell CL implementation. Args: eval_func (mot.lib.cl_function.CLFunction): the function we want to optimize, Should be of signature: ``void evaluate(local mot_float_type* x, void* data_void, local mot_float_type* result);`` nmr_parameters (int): the number of parameters in the model, this will be hardcoded in the method patience (int): the patience of the Powell algorithm patience_line_search (int): the patience of the line search algorithm reset_method (str): one of ``RESET_TO_IDENTITY`` or ``EXTRAPOLATED_POINT``. The method used to reset the search directions every iteration. jacobian_func (mot.lib.cl_function.CLFunction or None): the function used to compute the Jacobian. If not given, we will use a numerical differentiation """ if not jacobian_func: jacobian_func = self._get_numerical_jacobian_func(eval_func.get_cl_function_name(), nmr_parameters, nmr_observations) dependencies = list(kwargs.get('dependencies', [])) dependencies.append(eval_func) dependencies.append(jacobian_func) kwargs['dependencies'] = dependencies var_replace_dict = { 'FUNCTION_NAME': eval_func.get_cl_function_name(), 'JACOBIAN_FUNCTION_NAME': jacobian_func.get_cl_function_name(), 'NMR_PARAMS': nmr_parameters, 'PATIENCE': patience, 'NMR_OBSERVATIONS': nmr_observations, 'SCALE_DIAG': int(bool(scale_diag)), 'STEP_BOUND': step_bound, 'USERTOL_MULT': usertol_mult } super().__init__( 'int', 'lmmin', ['local mot_float_type* const model_parameters', 'void* data', 'mot_float_type* scratch_mot_float_type', 'int* scratch_int'], resource_filename('mot', 'data/opencl/'), var_replace_dict=var_replace_dict, **kwargs) def _get_numerical_jacobian_func(self, function_name, nmr_params, nmr_observations): return SimpleCLFunction.from_string(r''' void compute_jacobian(local mot_float_type* model_parameters, void* data, local mot_float_type* fvec, local mot_float_type* const fjac){ /** * Compute the Jacobian for use in the LM method. * * This should place the output in the ``fjac`` matrix. * * Parameters: * * model_parameters: (nmr_params,) the current point around which we want to know the Jacobian * data: the current modeling data, used by the objective function * fvec: (nmr_observations,), the function values corresponding to the current model parameters * fjac: (nmr_parameters, nmr_observations), the memory location for the Jacobian */ int i, j; mot_float_type temp, step; const mot_float_type EPS = 30 * MOT_EPSILON; for (j = 0; j < %(NMR_PARAMS)s; j++) { if(get_local_id(0) == 0){ temp = model_parameters[j]; step = max(EPS*EPS, EPS * fabs(temp)); model_parameters[j] += step; /* replace temporarily */ } barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); %(FUNCTION_NAME)s(model_parameters, data, fjac + j*%(NMR_OBSERVATIONS)s); if(get_local_id(0) == 0){ for (i = 0; i < %(NMR_OBSERVATIONS)s; i++){ fjac[j*%(NMR_OBSERVATIONS)s+i] = (fjac[j*%(NMR_OBSERVATIONS)s+i] - fvec[i]) / step; } model_parameters[j] = temp; /* restore */ } barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); } } ''' % dict(FUNCTION_NAME=function_name, NMR_PARAMS=nmr_params, NMR_OBSERVATIONS=nmr_observations))
[docs] def get_kernel_data(self): """Get the kernel data needed for this optimization routine to work.""" return { 'scratch_mot_float_type': LocalMemory( 'mot_float_type', 9 + 2 * self._var_replace_dict['NMR_OBSERVATIONS'] + 5 * self._var_replace_dict['NMR_PARAMS'] + self._var_replace_dict['NMR_PARAMS'] * self._var_replace_dict['NMR_OBSERVATIONS']), 'scratch_int': LocalMemory('int', self._var_replace_dict['NMR_PARAMS']) }