mot.cl_routines package


mot.cl_routines.numerical_hessian module

mot.cl_routines.numerical_hessian.numerical_hessian(objective_func, parameters, lower_bounds=None, upper_bounds=None, step_ratio=2, nmr_steps=5, max_step_sizes=None, step_offset=None, data=None, cl_runtime_info=None)[source]

Calculate and return the Hessian of the given function at the given parameters.

This calculates the Hessian using central difference (using a 2nd order Taylor expansion) with a Richardson extrapolation over the proposed sequence of steps.

The Hessian is evaluated at the steps:

\[\quad ((f(x + d_j e_j + d_k e_k) - f(x + d_j e_j - d_k e_k)) - (f(x - d_j e_j + d_k e_k) - f(x - d_j e_j - d_k e_k)) / (4 d_j d_k)\]

where \(e_j\) is a vector where element \(j\) is one and the rest are zero and \(d_j\) is a scalar spacing \(steps_j\).

Steps are generated according to a exponentially diminishing ratio defined as:

steps = max_step * step_ratio**-(i+offset), i=0, 1,.., nmr_steps-1.

Where the max step can be provided. For example, a maximum step of 2 with a step ratio of 2 and with 4 steps gives: [2.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.25]. If offset would be 2, we would instead get: [0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625].

If number of steps is 1, we use not Richardson extrapolation and return the results of the first step. If the number of steps is 2 we use a first order Richardson extrapolation step. For all higher number of steps we use a second order Richardson extrapolation.

The derivative calculation method uses an adaptive step size to determine the step with the best trade-off between numerical errors and localization of the derivative.

  • objective_func (mot.lib.cl_function.CLFunction) –

    The function we want to differentiate. A CL function with the signature:

    double <func_name>(local const mot_float_type* const x, void* data);

    The objective function has the same signature as the minimization function in MOT. For the numerical hessian, the objective_list parameter is ignored.

  • parameters (ndarray) – The parameters at which to evaluate the gradient. A (d, p) matrix with d problems, and p parameters
  • lower_bounds (list or None) – a list of length (p,) for p parameters with the lower bounds. Each element of the list can be a scalar or a vector (of the same length as the number of problem instances). To disable bounds for this parameter use -np.inf.
  • upper_bounds (list or None) – a list of length (p,) for p parameters with the upper bounds. Each element of the list can be a scalar or a vector (of the same length as the number of problem instances). To disable bounds for this parameter use np.inf.
  • step_ratio (float) – the ratio at which the steps diminish.
  • nmr_steps (int) – the number of steps we will generate. We will calculate the derivative for each of these step sizes and extrapolate the best step size from among them. The minimum number of steps is 2.
  • step_offset (int) – the offset in the steps, if set we start the steps from the given offset.
  • max_step_sizes (float or ndarray or None) – the maximum step size, or the maximum step size per parameter. If None is given, we use 0.1 for all parameters. If a float is given, we use that for all parameters. If a list is given, it should be of the same length as the number of parameters.
  • data (mot.lib.kernel_data.KernelData) – the user provided data for the void* data pointer.
  • cl_runtime_info (mot.configuration.CLRuntimeInfo) – the runtime information

per problem instance a vector with the lower triangular elements of the Hessian matrix

Return type:


Module contents

mot.cl_routines.compute_log_likelihood(ll_func, parameters, data=None, cl_runtime_info=None)[source]

Calculate and return the log likelihood of the given model for the given parameters.

This calculates the log likelihoods for every problem in the model (typically after optimization), or a log likelihood for every sample of every model (typically after sample). In the case of the first (after optimization), the parameters must be an (d, p) array for d problems and p parameters. In the case of the second (after sample), you must provide this function with a matrix of shape (d, p, n) with d problems, p parameters and n samples.

  • ll_func (mot.lib.cl_function.CLFunction) –

    The log-likelihood function. A CL function with the signature:

    double <func_name>(local const mot_float_type* const x, void* data);
  • parameters (ndarray) – The parameters to use in the evaluation of the model. This is either an (d, p) matrix or (d, p, n) matrix with d problems, p parameters and n samples.
  • data (mot.lib.kernel_data.KernelData) – the user provided data for the void* data pointer.
  • cl_runtime_info (mot.configuration.CLRuntimeInfo) – the runtime information

per problem the log likelihood, or, per problem and per sample the log likelihood.

Return type:


mot.cl_routines.compute_objective_value(objective_func, parameters, data=None, cl_runtime_info=None)[source]

Calculate and return the objective function value of the given model for the given parameters.

  • objective_func (mot.lib.cl_function.CLFunction) –

    A CL function with the signature:

    double <func_name>(local const mot_float_type* const x,
                       void* data,
                       local mot_float_type* objective_list);
  • parameters (ndarray) – The parameters to use in the evaluation of the model, an (d, p) matrix with d problems and p parameters.
  • data (mot.lib.kernel_data.KernelData) – the user provided data for the void* data pointer.
  • cl_runtime_info (mot.configuration.CLRuntimeInfo) – the runtime information

vector matrix with per problem the objective function value

Return type:
